Thursday, May 20, 2010

All My New, Amazing Talents

I play on the piano (move over Auntie Bronwyn!)

Since Mummy started allowing me, I happily feed myself Cheerios (and anything else I find)
I can climb stairs...all the way to the top. Then I cry for someone to get me down.

I garden. It is more of an art, really.

Non-edible flowers - Pah!

Happy flowers are pretty flowers.

I can stand by myself, unsupported.

Washing Dishes

I do love me some chocolate cake...

Even if I have to get it off of day old dirty spoons before they get washed.

There is something about dirty dishes that just makes me want to play with them.

As the dishes are put into the dishwasher, I sit by to pull them out and make sure that no yummy food goes to waste. (Like chocolate cake)

Mission accomplished!